Monday, September 15, 2008

Louiseville to Alfred and Plantegenet -- Grateful for a headwind?

Difficult. Challenging. Grueling. An opportunity to deepen our faith?

After a solid night's sleep, we got our stuff together for a 7:30 a.m. start. It was an overcast morning, threatening of rain. We understood that the remants of Ike had passed, but as we looked out on the distance, we saw trees and plants visibly bending in the wind. Determining the direction of the wind can sometimes be a bit of a trick (at least for us), but as we began to ride, the direction became abundantly clear -- it was strong and straight against us. Riding through farmland throughout the day on fairly flat terrain, we saw lots of corn fields, soybeans in various different colors, alfalfa and raspberries and a variety of open fields. Nevertheless, it quickly became clear that this would be one difficult ride. Complicated by Matt experiencing two flat tires in a matter of five minutes and a slight unintended detour, we were making limited progress and using a fair amount of energy and time.

No one wishes for a headwind. No one hopes that they'll be pushed around like paper dolls in front of a large fan. Yet as I reflected on the whole theme of the ride as a journey of faith, I realized that it is really the difficult moments that require a greater degree of faith (whether on a bike or otherwise). Riding with a strong wind behind you is great fun, but it is easy in those moments to think that we're able to do things on our own. With 48 excruciating miles down at lunchtime and a whopping 73 to go (with no prospect of the wind subsiding), the rest of the ride would be challenging. Hearing Jane and Morrie Brown's encouragement to "just pedal" in my mind, we did just that (albeit slowly). As you can see below, we literally rode into the sunset with amazing colors as we were completing the ride. We pray that the ride will strengthen us for other challenges we'll face and deepen our faith.

One other note: we saw our first "Moose Crossing" sign today. We looked to see if any moose needed to cross, but no such need.

Finally, a few things we're thankful for. We're thankful for the many dogs that had chains and/or ropes today (lots of dogs today). We're thankful for fewer bugs making their way into our mouths and/or eyes today. We're thankful for Oma and Julie (more to come later). And we're thankful for your continued prayers and encouragement. It will be a good night sleep.




Beth said...

Charlie... I am so thankful you have riders to keep you company. I can't imagine doing that alone. Ecclesiastes 4:12 “And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart.”
Thanks Matt for suffering through the hard day with Charlie.
Romans 12:11 LB “Never be lazy in your work, but serve the Lord enthusiastically.” You can always count on Charlie to be enthusiastic!

Anonymous said...

We're praying for you, Mr Grandy! Keep on keeping on. Remember the verse..."But those who hope in the Lord shall renew their stringth, they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."Isaiah 40:31. I know that the Lord will continue to keep you safe. We will keep praying for you and we hope that the weather will be easy to ride in.

Miss Collier's class said...

Hi Charile!
Our entire class just read your blog. WE cannot believe the story about the breadmaker! Our God is truly amazing! Praise Him for that!! We are sorry about all of the wind. We are praying for you! Keep up the good work! You rock! Good luck. Just keep pedaling.. just keep pedaling (like 'just keep swimming' from Finding Nemo)!!
~ David & Miss Collier's class =)

Anonymous said...

Your adventure of faith is truly encouraging to me and my family. I'm grateful for your blog entries and enjoy very much reading about your experiences. We're praying for you and God's glory to be evident every single mile! Headwinds beware...God is glorified no matter what!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Grandy I have been praying for you even before you left you mean so much to our school and you are a great man of faith. You are a great role model to me.
~Hannah Bostick
7th grade

Anonymous said...

When you think (as today with the headwind) that you just can't go on, remember Luke 18:27: "All things are possible" and then inMatthew 11:28-30: "I will give you rest." We pray you have a good rest so that you can "keep peddlin" tomorrow.
Love U,
Jane & Morrie

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Grandy, I'm praying for you. I read your blog. You are doing a great job. God is blessing us by your trip. You are cool. Mr. East thanks for keeping Mr.Grandy company.

Matt Brownlee

Anonymous said...

Dad... I still love you and of course I am still praying for you. I hope you are doing well. Thank you for being my example of faith.

Mr.East...Thank you for joining my dad the first week. I hope you are having fun. Guess what? You still have to ride the Revoulution twice.

Anonymous said...

Remeber Hebrews 11, the foundation of this ride..."By faith..." you are already in my "book of faith".
love you,dad!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Grandy and Mr. East,
Thank you for doing this for our school and for the Lord!!! I have enjoyed reading your blogs and stories! I am praying for you always!,and the weather. You are two great men stepping out in faith, my God be with you!!!

Your greatest and most biggest FAN!,

Madeline Frasure

About Me

Ride Across America: A Journey of Faith Beginning on September 14, 2008 TPCA Parent and Board Member Charlie Grandy will Ride Across America, trekking from Quebec City to Miami - an overall distance of 2,235 miles in just 20 days! This Journey of Faith is Charlie following God's call to raise awareness and support of the mission of Traders Point Christian Academy. This will also serve to encourage students, families and participants to have fun, deepen their faith and develop a greater sense of community by serving together with a common purpose, as well as develop a habit-forming healthy lifestyle for our students, families and surrounding community. Ride Across America culminates on Friday October 3, when Charlie arrives in Miami and joins TPCA via a web-cast and we celebrate this incredible Journey of Faith. The students will then hold the 2nd Annual TPCA Walk/Bike-A-Thon on the school campus as their way to showcase the student body's focus on physical activity and spiritual growth.